...three, two, one. Ready or not, here I come. Thomas - - Thomas...Where are you???

Thomas left Varsity Fanclub.WTFFFF! I KNOW, right?!? But, I've had a whole lot of time to think about it, and I've come up with a few points that people (expecially the haters) should know:

1] No matter what anyone says, boy bands are making a comback, they have to be different and perfected this time, because, now more then ever, we demand more from a performer. So we're just lucy VCF decided to do whatever it took to stay together!

2] I heard somebody say this before the guys came on stage once. --> There once was a three brother group, Hanson, who were quite big, but then some strange little 5-membered boy band with the name "Baskstreet Boys" showed up on the scene and...whoops...where did Hanson go? Look out Jo Bro's!

3] The Spice Girls were put together just like VFC is. While they were trying to make a name for themselves, they fired one mamber and replaced her with Mel C, staying with 5 girls. Still trying to put their name out there, another girl quit/was fired, and they repleced her with Emma. Then they went on to have almost the same success as The Beatles.

4] Whole crap! He's a 16 year old in a group of 20-something's...that must mean he has mad talent / skillz. I've seen some stuff, and they've had a concert and for only having such a short time to learn it all, he was pretty damn spectacular!

Take these three points and think about them. Seriously. They all say that VCF is going to be okay, this isn't the first time this has happened before to a pop group, and it will not be the last. We have had the privlidge of knowing them before they "take over the world" so we are seeing the conflicts and makings. We're the lucky ones.

I'd also like to agree with the mass population out there of VCF lovers...still love Thomas, no matter what he does. And Addison clothing is amazing. Plug!
June 21st, 2009 at 11:38pm