Hey, I got something to tell you guys! Very Important!

Well, I know I don't update much to begin with and it's always a shocker when I do, but I'm going to have to put everything on hold. Why? One word:


I'm doing a Short Term Exchange Student Program where I go to someone else's home and she/he comes to mine. In my case, it's a she. I'm leaving this Wednesday, June 24, and I won't be back for practically a whole month. When I do come back on July 13th, I'm coming back with the girl who is switching with me because unless you know someone where I live, things get boring and you tend to be stuck in the house. Every store is about a mile away from where I live, so unless she likes walking miles upon miles, she is going no where.

Same with me in Spain, only there is a lot to do there. It's just that I won't know anyone besides the family so while I'm there, I hang out with her and her friends. She'll do the same when we come back from Spain. Stay subscribed, I'll update a couple days after she leaves because I still haven't started typing the next chapter. I've been busy getting things ready and packed up.

Have a happy summer!

June 22nd, 2009 at 12:53am