My Personal Opinion On The Emo Emotion

My opinion
Emo is more of a state of mind than some of the stereotypical definitions besides the definition of the music style, sometimes by the music someone listens too or the clothes they wear, personal out look on life possibly being grim or hopeless, even show fake emotions while not being fully truthful about how their feeling, possibly mutilating the body to cause physical harm trying to ease the emotional pain, attempted to commit suicide, thoughts about committing suicide or having suicidal thoughts about suicide or death, low self-steam, server depression, hating life and or hating ones self, questioning their self existence, understanding & knowing true emotions of sorrow or pain.

I also believe there are two types of the definition of the emo emotion, there also could be a third type of the definition of the emo emotion that would be either 30 % or 20 % emo emotion.

1: Someone that mutilates the body to cause physical harm trying to ease the emotional pain, thoughts about committing suicide or having suicidal thoughts about suicide or death, attempted to commit suicide, personal out look on life possibly being grim or hopeless, even show fake emotions while not be fully truthful about how their feeling, possibly hiding or concealing someone’s true feelings, low self-steam, server depression, hating life and or hating ones self, questioning their self existence, understanding & knowing true emotions of sorrow or pain, sometimes by the music someone listens too or the clothes they wear,

2: Someone that attempted to commit suicide, thoughts about committing suicide or having suicidal thoughts about suicide or death, personal outlook on life being either grim or hopeless while having a some what positive outlook on life, server depression, low self-steam, possibly shows fake emotions or not being fully truthful about their emotions, possibly hiding or concealing someone’s true feelings, hasn’t attempted to mutilate one’s body, questioning their self existence, Sometimes hating life and or hating ones self, understanding & knowing true emotions of sorrow or pain, sometimes by the music someone listens too or the clothes they wear,

Some else's opinion on this matter

Emo, yes it is short for emotional. But, there is more to emo then hair and looks. Emo is a state of mind. Most people, made them selves appear emo. While in reality, they have too much hope to be emo. Emo is much like Goth. But, Goth is Darker. Emo is more emotional, harder to fake. Yes, some emo’s cut themselves, but there is more than that. Emo is one of the hardest things, to explain. People hate emo’s because they view us as suicidal, cry babies, or just week. That's NOT what emo is. Suicidal yes, at times. But, don’t judge me for being emo. It's not what I chose to be. It's just what I am.

Some else's opinion on this matter

I think emo is just another label, but my definition of it will be for real. Personally, I used to cut, but I stopped. Take it from me. It’s hard to stop! I am bisexual, but I'm not afraid of it! People shouldn't judge us for what we do and who we are. Emo is a music genre, but also a state of mind. If you're emo, don't be afraid of it. It’s just who you are! It’s perfectly normal to have a sensitive side, although I'm sassy sometimes. I’m really sensitive when 90% of the time’s love being who I am, though I get bullied allot don't care. Well, in my opinion, emo is just how people describe over-sensitive people. I write tons of poetry, and I'm in middle school. I am not ashamed to say I like girls, ever since I was 9,I have liked girls. I can't help how I feel! But over the summer, I’ve changed a bit. I’m not AS sensitive, but I still am. I don't let people put me down. Emo is just about being sensitive and expressing how you feel about something. If you get suicidal thoughts, talk to someone, trust me! Don’t make the mistake I did. I am a lot better off without blades.

Everyone let me know your personal opinion on this matter.
Please be nice and try to remember everyone has different views and opinions from on another.
June 22nd, 2009 at 03:35am