Some Time It's Hard to Understand People

I wasn't really into this journal thing, but I got so outraged at this that I needed to share it with someone, because my friends and family wouldn't really get why I was so mad.

So I was on google, I was trying to find some picture to put up in my room, and I searched Patrick Stump, because he's awesome.

So I clicked on a picture of him and the site came up. You will never believe what the name of the site was.

And I'm not making this up. That was the name.

And then I scroll down the page to see if maybe this is a joke and then I see another name. Ray Toro.

I really almost started screaming at my computer.

I mean, I can understand that people have different taste in guys, I can understand that maybe some people don't find Ray or Patrick attractive. I can get that, I don't personally agree with it, but I can understand it. But I don't understand why people would feel the need made a website about how these are 'ugly' males.

I really don't care if you don't like them, whatever, that's you opion, you're intiled to that, but this is outrageous. I simply can't understand why anyone would do that.

And it wouldn't even matter if they were the ugliest people alive, you still shouldn't do that, that's just awful.

The only reason I didn't chuck my computer at the wall was the comments left there. Every single comment was people saying how wrong the site is. And that made me a little bit happier, knowing that some other people realize the complete stupidity of that site.
June 22nd, 2009 at 03:45am