Those who have premarital sex will get killed by a homicidal maniac.

Or so they say in horror movies.
I'm not saying I'm for it, of course. :)
I just find it really] hilarious and absolutely ridiculous
that everybody that engage in sex or drugs just seem to die a horrible painful death in movies.

Is it me or is they trying to portray to society that those that do have
premarital sex and/or do drugs are suppose to be looked down upon?

Or is it a deeper meaning?
Recklessly going deeper into drugs and becoming too involved with sex at a young age
only leads to bad endings?
Thus the homicidal killer representing the bad effect from such habits?

Or is suppose to be relatable?
A way to scare the shit out of the "regular" teenager?

Or is the sex and drugs just for appeal to get a largerperverted audience?

Like, what about normal, kind hearted people?
I don't think that many insane serial killers are exactly picky.
But they could be, of course.

Ahaha, nah - I'm just kidding.
It's just the usual trend of a lot of horror movies.
I kind of want to come across a really good horror movie with a GREAT plot, y'know?

I think I'm just really nervous for my graduation ceremony tonight.
Though I really have no idea why.

I'm wearing a black and white dress.
As well, curling my hair.
I just kind of want to look pretty for the night.
June 22nd, 2009 at 10:09pm