Love Sucks!

Why is it so hard to find true love?
Why does love have to be so complicated?
Why do people use the word love if they don't mean it?
Why do when two people break up one of them has to do spiteful things to the other?
Why do the one that you use to love act as if you were the worse person on the face of the earth when they use to say, "you are the best thing that has ever happened to me"..?
Love does it even exist?
Does love hate me?
Why do I end up broken hearted in the end and the one that is left to pick up the pieces?
I can't say if true love exist or if love exist between two people but I do know the pain of heartache and sorrow.

Yea kind of stupid journal but yeah I am bored & even depressed.

Hm? I don't have much else to say but LOVE SUCKS!
June 22nd, 2009 at 11:18pm