What The Hell Is Wrong With Me These Days?

Okay, well... if anybody is reading this, lately I've been feeling weird to say the least. I don't know what's wrong. I don't want to sound desperate or anything, but I want someone, I want love. I'm waaay too young though. Lol. I just need someone there for me, to hold me, to care for me, to make me laugh, feel better, have a shoulder I can cry on. But the thing is, I've never really had that. I've never had a boyfriend, a first date, a first kiss. It's like, I'm being neglected by the stupid male race. No offense, if a boy's reading this. It's making me feel like I'm worthless, and I'm not special to anyone.

Yeah, I have friends that I can count, and make me feel special, but there's only so much they can do for that. They can't make you feel loved. They are my best friends and I'll love them forever. I just don't think they can give you the kind of love I want, if they did, I'd be freaked out. Lol. I just really want to hug that someone! But I just haven't found them. Waiting sucks beyond
belief for you! Why can't you just come out? Lol. But the thing is, what if that person does come and ask me out or something, will I have the guts to say yes? I'm not comfortable in my skin. I feel like if I walked past someone that is laughing, their laughing at me. I hate one on one with the opposite sex, and who is not my friend. I feel uncomfortable. Maybe that's why I haven't met him, because I'm not comfortable with myself. Maybe one day when I am, he'll come. I hope to god he does.

I wrote this journal, because I needed to out how I feel, and just get it off my chest. I hate talking to people about this kind of stuff, because it makes me feel like they're going burst out laughing about how I feel. If you haven't noticed already, I'm very insecure. Whoever reads this and would like to comment you can. You don't have to, I just needed to let this all out. Thanks for reading about my whining. Lol.
June 23rd, 2009 at 04:40am