
I had no reason to protect my heart.
I was so naive, I had no reason to be any other way.
There was no reason to not believe every "I love you, baby" and "I'll be here for you."
There was no reason to not believe every lie out of your mouth except for the truth locked behind the big, scary doors of reality.

I didn't have the guts to open the doors and face reality even though I knew, deep down, someone would unlock them for me. So to stop this from happening, I decided to make believingly dig a hole so deep it reached the center of the earth and throw the keys of reality into it. I sat believing that each day the keys would get rusted or start to erode and the hole would fill up, but with each day that passed it never happened. The shining silver keys gleamed from the bottom of the hole and someone unlocked the doors against my will.

I then had to helplessly face every lie as they unfolded in front of me and it was one of the most terrible feelings in the world, the worst part? I still wanted to cover them up, just ignore them floating around me because the lies, they were so beautiful. They made me so happy but eventually I saw the ugly behind the beautiful and pushed you out of my life as much as I could and went on the search for the beautiful with no ugly hiding behind it.

I now have a reason to protect my heart.
I'm not so naive anymore, I have no reason to not be any other way.
I have no reason to believe every "I love you, baby" and "I'll be here for you."
I have no reason to believe every lie out of your mouth because they were just that and only that, lies, beautiful little lies, and that is all they will ever be.
June 23rd, 2009 at 07:05am