How I got kicked out of Catholic School.It still haunts me...

Priest after mass says: The sins of the world will damn us to hell! Masturbation is a deadly sin!!!!!

Sandra (me) says: Then what do you do in your free time.?!

Priest overlooks my outburst then says: We must triumph over temptation together! Love one another with all you hearts-

Sandra interupts: AND our dicks!

Priest sighs angrily but continues. (can't help but notice that his face is turning vagina colored): Help one another, serve one another, and we can reach the Kingdom of Heaven together!

Sandra stands, clapping loudly (but, this dipshit is the only one): So that's what alter boys do! Does that mean molesting children will get me a free pass to Heaven? Cuz it seems to be working for you.

Okayokay, if you didn't laugh while reading this, it means I'm all out of juice. (get your heads out of the fucking gutter!) Anyway, talk to y'all l8er!!!


P.S. Fuck you, I already know I'm going to Hell.
Then again, I have the raising suspicion that God created me so he can laugh at some poor damned soul...

Damn it all.
June 24th, 2009 at 05:52am