People are stupid and my pet peeves list

I have finally realized how weird people are. We'll go so far as to be "different" or "unique" that we'll lie about ourselves. Take Twilight for example. Millions of girls (and some boys I guess) read it and most loved it. Then you get the people who think it's okay. Then there's the people that really think it sucked. And then you get the people who like it, but say they hate it JUST so they can be different! That is so retarded. So, it's cool to be different now? Plus, It's dumb to not like something just because everyone else does too. Are you people mentally handicapped? Seriously, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. So now my pet peeves list has grown. These shall be listed in no particular order.
1. Sevvies
2. People who have to be different than everyone else in EVERY way.
3. People who type in all caps all the time.
4. People who constantly ask others if they think they're fat just for attention.
5. Hannah Montanna/Miley Cyrus
6. Robert Pattinson's face being everywhere
7. Preps
8. People with no sense of humor
9. People who wake up before 8:00 just for the heck of it
10. People who beg /Desperate people
11. People who cuss because they think it's cool
Sigh. I have a lot of pet peeves.
June 24th, 2009 at 06:02pm