My Dad controls my whole life. It isn't my future, it's his! So Ima *** it ALL up.

My dad and i have this fucked up relationship.
Point blank, he's a man whore. Greeeaaaat, right?
Anyway, the guy still expects me to listen to everything he says and do everything he tells me to.
Not only that, but when he takes me to dinner, ITS DEAD QUIET!

We have never been buddybuddy or anything so this doesn't bother me as much as you'd think.

THEN, when he does talk, I get to hear about MY future!

Thinking about my future in general, makes me want to vomit.

I mean, who's looking forward to taxes?! O.o

So, in his point of view, I'm going to college, then I'm going to become a pyschologist
(fuck spelling, cus idk if that's right).

On top of that, I refuse to get my license because i know that the sonofabitch will buy me a BMW!!!

For all of you who don't get what's wrong with that, let me explain.

In all honesty, I want a pickup truck. Yep, plain and simple.

So I tried to run that past my dad.

Ha ha ha ha.

I feel sideswiped by my own flesh and blood!

(btw, doesn't that sound disgusting or is it just me?)

He yelled at me, "No daughter of mine's going to drive a piece of shit!"

Yeah, I know, what the hell?! And it ain't a piece of shit! It's like my dream car!

So, now, I'm done. The second I'm eighteen, It's going to be my future.

Fuck his opinion and Fuck my grades in school (they're okay)!
I'm gonna do what i wanna do and if you don't like it,
GO FUCK YOURSELF cus i dont give a shit.

I'm planning my own future now, and it feels damn good.
June 24th, 2009 at 07:24pm