Is this... dating? O_O

Okay, so in my previous journal, I mention a little boy (not quite so little, as he's fifteen) named Joseph. We went to the movies together a couple of weeks ago, and we saw Up in 3-D. Me him, and his brother (and my brother some where in the higher seats).
The part that confuses me the most, is, we held hands throughout the ENTIRE movie. Our hands were sweating, you could feel a pulse, and my hand went numb more than once. He didn't let go of my hand. I talked to my friend the next day, and I told her " I have a new BF" she asked "Really?" then I told her that we held hands, but then she asked me if anyone asked the other out. I said no, and she didn't think it was dating. My other friend said it was. I need other feedback please :(
June 24th, 2009 at 09:11pm