Bored to tears

God, I'm so bored. School ended for me about a week ago and I just finnished taking my regents ( like finnals but much harder) four days ago. Right now I'm about to rip my hair out of my head, or, in other words: I'm going stir crazy. There is absolutly NOTHING to occupy my time. My mom got netflix, but it takes a while for the movies to arrive, so yeah...

I also finnished the harry potter books I took out of library, which has put me in a bad mood. I combed my entire bookcase for a book I hadn't read recently, no luck. Either I'd read it or it was boring. What I'd give for a barnes & nobles gift card right now, well actually anything.

I also tried going on YouTube to see if I could watch a HP ( harry potter) movie, but that stupid copyrights thing made all the actual movies, well, gone. The only ones I can find are those annoying " Rick rolled" ones or parodies. I really hate clicking on a link only to discover that I'm watching a weird guy dressed in the oddest clothes singing in a freakishly deep voice. IT MAKES ME WANT TO MURDER SOMEBODY.

If ANY of you have any ideas for what I could do so I don't lose my mind, please tell me. Or if you know any sites on which I could watch Harry Potter. Thank you.
June 25th, 2009 at 12:12am