Michael Jackson died :(((

I guess i don't know too much about it but according to Perez Hilton he had a heart attack around 4:10 or so and was rushed to the hospital. He updated his twitter again around 4:45 and said he passed away.

Michael was SUCH a big part of my childhood. I actually feel like crying right now. I know i don't know him personally but all through growing up, thats mainly what i heard when it comes to music. I know he didn't have a great last few years and he doesn't have a awesome reputation but you have to admit that he is a music legend. He will most likely will be remembered forever.
Farrah Faucet died today also. I'm not sure what happened.

I'm kind of in shock right now. If any of you have more information i would love to hear it. RIP Michael Jackson, you will be missed.
June 26th, 2009 at 12:07am