Birthdays, cheating, and deaths.

So yesterday was my birthday =] which was pretty awesome. I'm now a fifteen year old. I don't feel any wiser, any more enlightened, or cooler for that matter. My friend, Adam, and I went to go see Transformers, which is a good movie, but a bit long. I liked it better than the first, actually.

And today is one of my best friend Lorin's 16th birthday :) I always thought it was quite funny because my friend Jenna's birthday is the 23rd, then mine is the 24th(along with one of my cousins, Joey), and then Lorin's is the 25th, (I don't know anyone with a 26th birthday- When's yours?), THEN my other friend, Lauren(who actually spells Lauren right :) has a birthday on the 27th, and then another friend of mine, Erik, has a birthday the 28th. Awesome, right? Haha, not really. :)

Last night, the night of my birthday, I received a call from my friend Marisa. Marisa is a lesbian, yes she likes girls, and she's been dating this one girl from our school for about three months. So she calls me and tells me that her girlfriend's ex-boyfriend called one of our other friends(who's being a bitch right now) and told her about how many times Marisa's girlfriend has cheated on her with him(the most recent being two weeks ago), then the friend tells Marisa. Now, I think it's a little wrong that the ex-boyfriend told the friend, she doesn't even really have a right to know at all, it's none of her business(it's not really any of my business either- but whatever), if he wanted to brag he should've just told Marisa, not Kristen(the friend he told). So Marisa called her girlfriend to get things all sorted out, who cries and tells her it only happened once right when they started dating. I'm pretty good friends with Marisa's girlfriend, and I like her enough, but this is a little sketchy to me. When the started dating she told Marisa that he wasn't even that good in bed, yet she went back to him! This was also Marisa's biggest fear, that she would cheat on her with her ex-boyfriend, her girlfriend even promised that she never would, and it already happened! I'm not really sure who to believe, because both stories(her girlfriends and her girlfriends ex-) sound a little sketchy. Marisa isn't breaking up with her, but I think she's a little worried about everything. What do you think?

And last, but not least, two lives have been lost(along with many, many others I'm sure. Wow, wait to cheer people up) today, Michael Jaskson and Farrah Fawcett :( Both were very influential people and both will be missed greatly. It's kind of ironic, just yesterday Adam and I were forcing my little sister to sing Beat It on guitar hero :) I really can't believe he died of a heart attack, I know how scary it is because my dad had one about five years ago(but thankfully he's good now). RIP Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett.

Wow. that was long.
June 26th, 2009 at 01:12am