Yeah, Yeah, MJ died. RIP. but seriously, so many death journals are getting my mood down. (The Key is Love)

Today was one of those few days that it didn't rain. Well, it rained really early but I wasn't awake at that time so it doesn't count.

The past few days I've been all bored and down with nothing to do this summer so today I decided to be all happy and go out for a walk and for a swim.
Yeah, it was being a great day. Sunny, few clouds, awesome sky. I fed the hens outside and I saved a bee from the pool. My second bee.

I turned on the radio really loud still being happy which is what I do when I'm happy and then BAM! Death's flooded my room in a millisecond.

First they had mentioned on the radio about Micheal Jackson (May he rest in peace) and I was shocked because I didn't know he was so young.

Then my dad came in giving me a bunch of letters from my family whom I miss dearly. I started to cry but I tried to restrain the tears because I like being strong. I was mostly crying because in a letter my grandma had written to my dad it said how bad she was doing, that she could barley walk, that she didn't think she wouldn't see me for 6 years and she needs to see me before she dies. Then she mentions how my aunt is having nerve problems and she's becoming skinnier which isn't exactly healthy. This got me down in a bad mood and even though the tears kept coming back I ended up laughing and eating the delicious chocolates I got.

I log in and everyone is talking about Micheal Jackson this...MJ that...Everyone texting and calling each other, and Oh Dear God, that can get annoying but we might as well suffer.

After a little while I'm getting disturbed by all the commotion and RIP journals because well, sad story:

My mom died today exactly 10 years ago.

I feel kind of bad for my cousin. She turned 17 today and so much death around her on the day of her birthday.

I've also been reading the RIP journals of famous celebrities and I am tempted to write one but I've never really paid much attention to the news or famous people, I feel that if I don't really know them in person why "love them" but I guess I love some people.

At the top of my head I can only think of Marilyn Monroe. She was a beautiful. Too bad she died at such a young age. I really admire her, and probably only her because I had to do research on her for school. I think her life was pretty depressing for some reason. She was in an orphanage, and yeah, many people are, but I don't know of any other.

I can also think of Elvis Presley only because he died young and he looks really funny. But other than that, I know nothing about him.

It just popped into my head! Selena. She was extremely talented. Her best friend killed her while she was singing in stage. Her last song was Dreaming of You, which I think it is absolutely beautiful. Selena had an amazing voice and could have really been bigger in life.

I need to watch more news and look up famous people...but that is so boring.

R.I.P. to Selena, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, and Micheal Jackson.

And My Mommy.


My aunt told me that the Key is Love. If you love no matter who the person you'll be loved in return.
June 26th, 2009 at 05:27am