A Star As Died

Michael Jackson 1958-2009

Michael Jackson died yesterday at 4:07 eastern time. He died at 50 succumbing to cardiac arrest, leaving three children behind. I first heard of his death at the very end of MOD, when the show was actually was supposed to be over. Devon Soltendieck said, Micheal Jackson has been taken to the hospital and TMZ announced him dead, with Leah and Sarah at his side. As soon as I seen the three of them there I knew something happened.

He lived a tortured life from his childhood when his father called him "big nose" instead of his name. When Jackson 5 was created, Michael couldn't keep up with his brothers' dancing, so his father would beat him "encouraging" him to keep up. The rest of the Jackson kids were also abused, especially the girls.

When critics bashed his newer albums and how his surgeries were "disasters" and even when my friends made fun of him. I knew why he did those things. Idiots.

June 26th, 2009 at 06:51pm