Top Ten Things Itachi Usually Gets Pissy About

From Itachi himself...

1.) That Deidara honestly believes he's hotter. Come on. Seriously?

2.) That Sasuke ran off with a pedophile. Is there no justice in this world?

3.) That Tobi and I meds continuously get mixed up. (Note to self: Kill the Akatsuki assistant...)

4.) That I have to chase down some brat who likes to yell out "Believe it!" who also hangs around some pink haired airhead and a former colleague of mine who is addicted to porn novels.

5.) That my foolish little brother was once associated with that pathetic weak group I mentioned in #4.

6.) That Kisame's skin is blue. Blue is sooo not my color.

7.) When Deidara sticks those foul tongues on his hands anywhere near my heavenly body. Must. Kill. The. Blonde.

8.) That Oreo-chimaru (heard that from Kohana while she was drunk) has the nerve to wear a rope around his waist the same shade of purple as my damned nails. Bastard.

9.) There are bells on our hats. How in the hell can we be evil and wear bells of all things that "chime"?!

10.) When Kisame tells me (after having drank about four bottles of rum) that if I cut my hair I would look like my foolish little brother Sasuke. HOW DARE HE?!
June 26th, 2009 at 07:17pm