My Mibbaversary- Things Have Changed For Me& A Recount of the Noob Days

As of today, I've been a mibba user for an entire year :)

Things have definitely changed over the past year, in both my life, and my mibba life, I'm glad to say for the most part, they've changed for the better.

I originally made my mibba account because authors from Quizilla have switched here, and I needed to make an account to be able to continue reading their stories. I'm SO glad that I did, because Quizilla is so shallow, overrated, and technologically screwed-up as hell. It took me about a month to actually regularly use my mibba, but I did, and now I love it :)

The Noob Days

Back then I was an incredible noob. Now... I still am xD, but I'm getting there! I've actually gotten a lot better in maneuvering around on the mibba scene, and I've made some friends on the way, who I've really liked talking to for hours on end =]
Deds to Sammy, Maggie, Raven, Aaron, Faust, Marlon (though you really deserve a kick in the nads for what you did to Raven and I'm really disappointed in you ><) Vee, Nadia and Austin (my faithful whore xD). Luffles you all <3

Everyone else... Your names escape me xD

In the Noob Days, my writing kinda sucked, my poems were a bit childish, my profile was "D:" and my journal entries were really embarrassing. As of recently, I've noticed that my writing's a lot better, my poems are a lot deeper, my journals... are still ridiculous... and my profile's a bit better.

My stories as of currently are being edited and cleaned of evident noobiness xP
For my I Can't Believe I Said Yes To Nick Jonas, when I first starting writing it, the chapters were so heinous it's not even funny. I got the Jonas Brother facts so twisted it just makes me laugh at times. Right now I have 327 readers, 38 subscribers, and 28 comments (holy crap I memorized it o.O) all thirty-eight of you guys are awesome for riding out all of my lack of updating and noob chapters =D

For my This is How You Make Me Feel, the chapters have been edited tremendously, and sound a hell of a lot better. I have 62 readers, 6 subscribers, and 20 comments. I love this story, and I hope that my subscribers do too <3

I'm in two group stories, Jake Meyer: The Untold Whore Stories and The Official Office Games. Both stories are pretty young at the moment, and don't receive that much attention, but it's fun writing these two stories with my friends (who are kick-ass writers) and I luv you guys too :] OUR READERS ROCK!

Sorry, this is getting pretty long, I should start wrapping it up '<<

My profile has changed a couple of times, and right now I'm working on my own personal layout, inspired by Aqualung's 'If I Fall'. I've said it before and I'll say it again. THE MAN'S A FRIGGIN' GENIUS! I can't wait until I have my new profile up, 'cuz this one is so puerile and immature, I just want to get rid of it. Thank you Kelsey (A Heart of Glass) for helping me out with my profile, avatars, and BB codes, nearly a year ago.

My Life (almost done, hang in there!)

In a nutshell... My life is nowhere near the same as it was a year ago. In the past year, I've improved my writing, my hair's definitely different (it BEHAVES now xD), I am fourteen (as of June 8th, 2009), I am out of middle school as of June 12th, 2009. My taste in music has matured, and thanks to a lot of mibba users, I have expanded the music artists that I listen to. Music is larger than life, and I'd go crazy without it. This year is also the first year I've had a boyfriend. My first boyfriend was Josh. He was pretty cool, smart, cute, active, the whole package, but things weren't working out between us. Deds to you, Josh, for hanging in for six months of hell xD. Second boyfriend, Austin, we didn't go out for long, but it was fun. He's a fucking prodigy, he's so smart (so smart it irks me at times xD) responsible (far more responsible than I'll ever hope to be), is the co-writer of Jake Meyer: The Untold Whore Stories, plays the bass clarinet, trying out the flute (fairy! xD), an all-around good kid. Deds to my whore :) who probably likes slash but won't admit it >:D

I've also being going through phases of depression. It sucks, but I'm hanging in there, and this summer's been a big relief to me :). I'm catching a breather, and getting ready to hold my breath again for the ninth grade. I'll try and care more about school, improve my writing and my art, and actually post some vids on my youtube :) (ha, that came out of nowhere)

Today is also my brother's birthday. He has turned 18 :D

RIP KING OF POP. Though I'm guilty of making pedo jokes at you, you're sensational, and I hope you're having a blast with Marilyn Monroe up in heaven xD I know you were thinking about it xD

Okay! Okay! I'm done!

Love you, everyone, this year has truly been an interesting, challenging, crazy, funny, one and all that mushy jazz.

With unconditional love,


Things have changed for me, and that's okay. I feel the same. I'm on my way and I say, things have changed for me! And that's okay!
June 27th, 2009 at 07:05pm