Concerts then the beach

Friday night I went to the Paramore/No Doubt concert with Jess, Sara and Sara's dad. Of course, because the weather in Jersey sucks, it started lightning, thundering and raining when it was an out door concert.

Sara, Jess, and I did not get wet, though. Once we saw this huge bolt of lightning we hauled ass back to the car, while Sara's dad was out in the rain looking for us. He came backa few minutes later, all wet.

We finally decided to go out around 8:30 to get merch. I got a Paramore tour shirt and a No Doubt shirt. We watched Paramore and I could see Hayley's bright red hair. That made me smile. She had a red shirt to match too! I also saw my favorite, Jeremy Davis =D

There we a few things that freaked me out. The lightning for one. It would like, branch out all weird-like from the top of the hill. Looking back on it, I thought it was cool, but durinmg the show, it was scary. Also, Hayley had to laugh nervously after one lightning strike. That dinfinately scared me.

We watched about 3 or 4 songs of NO Doubt then we went back to Sara's. I had tea, mac n' cheese then fell asleep watch whale wars.

The next morning Jess's mom picked us up at around ten so we could go to the beach. After we got ready at Jess's house, we went and picked up our friend Nicole then started driving.

We got caught in traffic for about an hour, but that was because of an accident. Thankfully all those people in front of us weren't all going to the beach. We arrive at a hotel that Jess's Mom's friend was staying at. We put our stuff there and then got something to eat at Stewarts.

After we ate, we got all of our beach stuff then walked down to the beach. It was a beautiful day, which I was happy about. We set up close to the ocean and then Nicole, Jess and I started walking along the beach. The water was extrememly cold, but i felt nice after awhile.

I was the only one to actually go all the way in to the water and it felt really nice. It was rough though.

We sat out in the sun and seeing as I can't do that, I started digging a hole in the sand. I got pretty far down too, because it was up to my knees and I'm pretty tall.

Some little kid next to us was making a castle and of course, he looked at the hole I was digging because, hey, we all get curious. He said "Nice hole." and then when I looked back at Nicole, she was laughing. She told me I had just got hit on my like a six year old. Fun right?

After, we went back to the hotle, and NIcole and I swam in the pool for a little bit. After that, we changed into regular clothes and walked along the boardwalk.

While we were in the gift shop, the kid from the beach and his mother were in there and when he past me, he turned to his mom and said "Wasn't that the girl who dug that hole?" his mom said yes, and I looked at Nicole who was laughing.

Finally at about 7:00 we went home. I don't have much sunbrun but I'm still a little bit tired. It was fun though =]
June 28th, 2009 at 05:06pm