
To my sister.

So today i watched the movie, "My Sister's Keeper".
I had read the book ages ago and expected the movie to be very much the same, but it wasn't. But movies are never really EXCATLY the same as the book are they?
Anyway that's not really why i am writing this. I am writing this because, well, before watching that movie i never really appreciated my sister and how she effects who i am and what i do.

BUT whilst watching the movie and watching Kate fight her disease and Anna be the helping sister, i placed myself in Anna's position. I thought about whether i could perform the actions she did, and whether at the end i could recover and start life again. Even though i am older than my sister, i could still imagine her like Kate, helpless whilst fighting a disease. But nearer the end i realized that without my sister my world would be black and grey. Of course when people die we move on and try and live life as normal but we will never forget, right? But a world with no color is so hard to live in! But then maybe the memories would fill some of the color and make the world seem brighter? Who knows? I just know that i hope that time NEVER comes around!

HOWEVER today i have realized that as many times as my sister and i fight, i would never want her to leave me. She means the world to me. AND i hope that the time we spend together is kept like a secret which no one else needs to know! Something precious and golden.

I also realized from that movie that if i get the choice to become anything in my life i want to become a children's doctor and help fight the beasts which taunt innocent children, to be the one to let them live longer.

I love my sister. :D
June 28th, 2009 at 11:02pm