Death seems to be a new celebrity trend

So, A couple days ago I'm on the computer when I hear my mom screaming about something. I ask her what her problem is and she's freaking out 'cause Farrah Fawcett had died, due to her long struggle with Cancer. This was sad, since she had been fighting so hard and my mom really liked her. Several hours later my brother starts screaming about something. Michael Freakin' Jackson had died. I was pretty weirded out. 2 pretty big celbrities had died within mere hours. The media was absolutely flipping out about MJ's death, along with the Mibba chat rooms, and I knew that the news would be nothing but controversy about his life. So today I get on facebook and 3 status messages in a row from my friends all say the pretty much same thing, "RIP Billy Mays". I immediately checked this out and apparently he died in a mysterious incident from getting hit on the head too hard because there was a malfunction when the plane he was riding landed. WHAT HAS BECOME OF THIS WORLD?! I was saddened by Farrah Fawcett's death, though it didn't come as much of a shock. I was really saddened by Michael's since no one saw, or wanted to acknowledge, seeing what was to come. But I was absolutely DEVASTATED by Billy Mays' death, not only for the fact it was a complete surprise, but the fact that no one will ever hear him utter the words "Billy Mays here with another FAN-TASTIC product" ever again except in recordings. I usually don't talk, or care much, about celebrities like this, but the irony of them dying so close to each other is quite weird. RIP Farrah, Michael, and Billy.
Edit: Sorry guys for not noting Ed Mcmahon, but I honestly did not hear about this. RIP Ed, you shall be sorely missed as well. :(
June 29th, 2009 at 01:11am