I'm so bored.

To start off this entry, I'd like to say that I'm made of complete fail and have just finished hosting my first successful ORG (online reality game), which was quite fun. =)

Anyway, Elimination 2: Live Topic starts like immediately and I need people to be either contestants or voters.

I could also use some columnists. I've yet to ask my friends for help because the slags won't log onto MSN. Anyway, if you're interested in becoming a contestant, columnist or voter, please go here:


and register. Then, you can either sign up as a player, or you can simply PM me saying you want to be a voter or columnist and I'll properly appoint you.

All the information about the game is located on the board in the forum located closest to the top of the page. The information is the only current thread in the forum, so it's pretty easy to find.

I know this is shamelss advertising but I'm a betch so get over it.


June 30th, 2009 at 04:21am