i'm so sick and tired of these posers!

you know what?? i'm reallllyyy fucking sick of all these People that are supposedly "good"" people and then go stab your back. at my school. i was part of the "cool" group. we hurt other people. espically the leader. her name is gia. she hurt my then enemy now she's my good and only friend in that school. and she hurt the love of my life who conveintenly dumped me and hurt another of my best friends. now, i have to admidt that i was kind of mean to but shes a real bitch. now fast foward to almost the end of the school year. i was sleeping over my best friends dad's girlfriends house and i got a txt. it was from gia. before i go any further, i am wild. i do stupid stuff and i am fucking damn proud that i did those things. i come from a public school and they are private school. now the txt message form gia said, 'on behaf of the fab 4 (we called ourselves the fab 5) we are denoucing you from our group. now, i was devasted. i asked her why and she said that i do stuff. and i asked what kind of stuff. and she just said bad stuff. so i deleted them from my contacts and twitter and everything. so then i skip school on wednsday and return thrusday afternoon for the eigth grade gradudation. so i see gia and i say, 'you don't have to deal with me anymore.' so she replies with this long speech saying that ever since i joined her group there has been so much drama and even tho i'm not in the group anymore i can still hang out with them. like i think they're that great of people. so then i get a txt from gia that night repeating what she said. my mom read the txt and said to say 'fuck you. your not worth my time.' so that's what i said. then i get these txts saying that i'm a horrible person and that i'm to concerned with my fag gf and my man whore wes. then she says that she can't find one person in my school that actually likes me and the txt ends with an approriate 'FAG HOE BITCH SLUT WHORE' so my dad calls her mom and her mom leaves this four minute message saying how i claimed that i was raped and that she thinks that gia did the right thing by saying all those things. what do you guys think?
June 30th, 2009 at 05:51am