
Bonjour All!

Sorry I haven't gotten on lately. I have been so busy. Uggh. I voulenteer at my library two days a week and I am supposted to be leaving now, but alas I am not. My car broke down and the damned thing won't start. Aiden has been trying to resserect it. So, all summer I have been riding my bike two miles to the library every day. Two miles there. Two miles back. Let me tell you, I have lost weight!! Yay.

But, anyways,on the topic of my stories. I will update tonight on my Bandit story. Maybe even finish. I want to start the sequel to my Ronnie story. And I have three others that I want to prsue. One even being a femmeslash. So look out for that. And I really have to go!

I'll get on later!!


June 30th, 2009 at 03:02pm