Story - oh please why dont you just BITE ME I'm waiting!

Hey guys, I know I haven't been updating as much as I used to.
I've not been allowed on the computer that much so I cannot type up my story, but I will still be writing it but I will be writing it in my notebook first while im not allowed on the computer and then when I am allowed on I will type up. As you imaging this will take longer than usual because I normally just write it out on the computer.
I have about 3 chapters written in my notebook so all i need to do now is type them up onto mibba.
You should be getting chapter 16 today/tonight depends on how long it takes me to type up and if I am allowed on.
I did already type it up onto the computer, but the internet shut itself down before I could save it, so I lost about 2 chapters worth of writing!!!

Thanks for being patient and thanks for reading

Jen x
June 30th, 2009 at 03:27pm