The Best Thing Bout Tonight's That We're Not Fighting.

This is going to be a little rant, and it's going to be about break ups, and I'm focusing more on bad break ups, and people being in the middle, because that is what is happening to me at the moment, and it is very difficult!

So I met this guy a few years ago, and we became friends, and we got to know each other etc. And a few months later, I met his girlfriend, who I got along with really well, and we hung out aswell and chatted a lot.
At the start of this year, they broke up, but were still friends, and it was all ok. They could be in the same room and chat and it wouldn't be awkward. But a few weeks ago, he found out she had been hooking up with random guys almost every night, been lying to him about it, and it upset him, because he still did like her. I'm friends with both of them, and enjoy spending time with both. I assumed they were still friends though.
One night I went out with him, and she texted me and was like "Oh, who are you going out with? I might be there too!" And I was like "Oh, ___." And then she replied with "Never mind, I won't be going anymore." So I asked him about it and he said they had a bit of an argument.

So there I was, caught in the middle, hearing complaints about the other, from both of them. I've been trying not to judge either of them, or let what I've heard affect my relationships with them. But unfortunately it got worse.
My friend mentioned how he hadn't even touched another girl since the break up, and how he was still upset but wanted to try and be civil. We were out together, and we ran into his ex. We hung out a bit, both of them with their own friends aswell, and we were drinking. A little bit before I left, they were standing next to each other, and this random guy walks past, and she looks at my friend, and then back to the guy, grabs the guy and starts to hook up with him! So of course my friend was pretty upset, but he tried not to let it bother him. After she finished, she smirked at my friend and went to get another drink. I felt really bad leaving him, but I had.
The next day he texted me and told me how he had seen her hook up with a few other guys after that first one, and how he was so hurt, he's deleted her from everything.

Now, I can completely understand that, because he was very hurt. But I'm finding it really hard, because I'm friends with both, and it's awkward when saying 'oh sorry, I'm going out with your ex' to either of them. And it's even harder after witnessing that, trying not to feel angry because she upset my friend.
And only a few days ago, she told me our friendship probably won't last long because my loyalty lies with him because we were friends first.
Ok, that is true! BUT, I want to be friends with both! I have fun with both of them, and it's just so frustrating. I really hate it :(

I just wish breakups didn't have to be so awkward, and that people didn't have to caught caught in the middle of them!
June 30th, 2009 at 05:27pm