Good Times...5th-8th Grade

Why My Friends ROCK!! and are weird, but I lurve them to death! <3
(5th-8th grade) :,(
Me: He's a ROLEX man!
(At 8th grade graduation meeting) (Talking about Mr. Herrmann)
Nick, Me, David, Adalee, Robert:Rupunzel Rupunzel let down nevermind
(You have to be a part or have been apart of St.Andrews to understand it)
(Me and David talking about guitar playing)
David: How do u do it then?
Me: I like loud and fast!
David: Come to my room I'll show u loud and fast!
Megan: Wow, okay so he likes it loud and slow and you like it loud and fast. lemme know how that works out!
Nick: What is the capital of New Mexico?
David: Imagine John in nothing but heels...
Jojo: No try more like hooker heels
Chloe: You sick muthafucka's....I got a mental image! AHHHHH!
Jojo and David get mental images also: AHHHHH!
David:Hey Chloe what's up?
Jojo:No don't, cuz then she'll want to die with you!
David: Your cute when you laugh for no reason
David: Yep
Jojo: Seriously the click flick that never ends!
(Me and David act out Twilight)
Me: I know what you are, your impossibly fast, and strong, your skin is pale white and ice cold, you talk like you're from a different time.
David: Say it.....out loud
Me: Vampire
David:Are you afriad?
Me: Im only afraid of losing you...
(Alex his GIRLFRIEND (at the time) comes in) :P
Alex:Hey David
(CJ talks to a little kid)
CJ:Whats your name?
CJ:Isn't that a peanut?
Nick:That's CashEW
Cj:Oh hey Cashew
(Scott Brian and me talk on the phone)
Me: So Brian and Scott what sports are you in?
Brian and Scott: Wrestling
Me: Omg you like to roll around with guys
Brian:Oh yeah
Me: You and me have that in common
Me: Na he'll never like me...
Adalee: R u kidding? you guys are like Romeo and Juliet, like Sid and Nancy, like...
Me: DO you even know how those stories end?!?!?
Me:Alot can happen in 2 minutes
David:I happen in 2 minutes
Emma Lee:Are those the new shirts?
Nick:Yeah! They're gay.....I ordered one!
Adalee:CJ! Get ur leg away from me!
Vega:Knowing CJ, he'll probably say thats not his leg
ME:Whats BJ's real name, he never told me?
Goo:Blow Job!
Me:No really what his REAL name
Peter:Big Jugs
Goo: Dude, Rob Zombie can suck his own balls
Peter:What the fuck...I have people to do that for me
Me:Joe will have 2 be my fave JoBro
Brittney(shes black): Nah uh homie he and Nick is ma man
Goo:Joe is my hoe
Me:O_o what? anyway there music stinks tho
Goo:Don't tlk about my lovers like that
Me:It all adds up!
Dakota: Dude Anthony Selena Gomez is hot
Brittney;What does Selena gots to do with anything
Goo:Have u ever noticed Peter has a big head?
Me:O_o what are we talking about?
Dakota and brittney: U and Goo
Me and Goo:What?!
Goo:Megan lick Peter
Peter:Shut up you nappy-headed hoe!
Goo:Touch my body feel up on my curves
Peter:Touch my body pull down my pants and put your mouth on my......
Me:Ew gross
Goo:There's nothing wrong with his knee unless it super sexy
Joel;Hey Goo they say that in 2012 the world will end
Goo:That day I'll get drunk
Joel:You wouldnt even be 21
Goo: I'll do want i want
Me:Ur daughter scares me!
Em's Mom:Welcome to my world
Me: Did she just call me an egg roll!!
Emily:NO (laughs)
Me: I love the 80's
Alex:Ya thts when they had the POODLE SKIRTS
Me:That was the 50's
Alex:I said that
Me:O.o u just said it was 80's
Alex: Ikno
Cat:Ya they took him to the Anti-Cruelity place
Adalee(Shes blonde): Wait thats were they hurt them right
Emily: It's ANTI stupid
Emily:Ya i dont tell people my password cuz of this bladder mouth
*Pointing 2 Adalee*
Adalee:I'm not a bladder mouth, i dont pee out of my mouth
Me:You mean blabber mouth
*Adalee passed out green paper for a test.*
Me:Oh orange paper
Award Silience
Emily: its GREEN u retard
Brian:Ya and this is me Brian u see
*Brian was immating a guy on drugs*
Brian:Hey look fying chicken
ME:Ooh WhereLooking out the window
Emily and I laugh insanly
June 30th, 2009 at 08:05pm