Have you ever?

Have you ever just sat in the midle of a room full of people and just listened? No thinking about what was going on in your life, Just 100% listening while your heart longs and aches for the feelings, energy, or talents swirling in the air. it feels like your in a foggy daze and nothing can enter your circle, you almost feel invisible until someone breaks that with a gaze but even a stare can't stop the atpeace feeling or heartache.

It's not a painful heartache. It's just like your heart pulling out in every which way, telling you to go after what it most desires.

Like the in-love, laughing couple holding each other close to the right of you or the group of senior girls laughing behind you, unaware of the fact their annoying the shy, brown-haired girl beside them with her nose pressed to the latest romance novel, dreaming of the day her knight in shining armor will jump out of the pages and steal her heart.
What about the group of guys strumming the guitar while their talent dances out of the speakers? or the girl sliding her fingers down the piano keys singing along to the beautiful tune with her perfect pitched, just as beautiful voice. Even the teacher talking to a group of students while another girl twiddles her thumbs nervously, underestimating herself, completely unaware of the gorgeous boy watching her wish a smile on his face and twinkle in his eyes tugs at your heart becuase in the end all your heart desires is wrapped up in one word.


Whether it be someone to love or someone to love you, a friend who will always have your back, a talent that you can love, or even helping someone fall in love with something you yourself loves, it's everywhere and to be honest, isn't that exactly what we are all after?
June 30th, 2009 at 09:00pm