Twitter Tracker

Try saying that 10 times fast! This fantastic tongue-twister brought to you by the Tonight Show of 06/29. Conan O'Brien is doing a pretty good job taking over for Jay Leno. Really, the only reason I was watching was to see Green Day perform, which ended up being pretty epic!

But back to the Twitter Tracker, a 'special segment' was played, called as such, that basically made fun of Twitter (in a good way) and quoted celebrity tweets to laugh at, and make a big deal of 'getting to know the stars' since you know what they're buying at the grocery store. I happened to be online at the moment, and looked up the tweets cited. they were false. I had a feeling that it was all just for laughs, but you never know. They could have taken an actual tweet. Ah well, it was still LOL-worthy.

The Used have been on my mind constantly. The excitement of finding new material to enjoy is very, very fulfulling. I've never hated The Used, but was weary of listening to their music based on rumors I had heard and opinions based on My Chemical Romance. I know the bands (and by bands, I mean Gerard and Bert) may not be on each other's list of favorite people, but that shouldn't stop people from giving them a chance. I've talked to hardcore MCR and Used fans and some of them take it to the extreme by trash-talking the other band...for no reason other than stuff they've heard from random gossip chats. I don't know, all the hype just isn't worth it to me. I do love a good bit of controversy, though.

Kiteria is in town for a few weeks. Normally, I'd shudder at the thought, but, alas things have changed. I love her to pieces and after a long talk about our issues, we've finally settled all the crap that was ruining our friendship. I feel bad for her. Her step-dad literally became schizophrenic overnight and is now in a mental institution with a court order to have him put on meds. They don't know how or why, but he's in a straitjacket and handcuffs at the moment. She has as much drama at home as I do, so we really relate on that note. She trusts me, which is what I've wanted all along. We're finally comfortable talking about our problems to one another. She confides in me as much as Bonni and Gwen, sometimes even more. We have so much in common! I'm relieved that we can finally be at this level of friendship.

Bonni is leaving the country for 2 weeks! I'm sad, cuz I'll miss her, but also kinda annoyed since she's basically my ride to everything. Not that its her falut, necessarily. She's going to Berlin, Germany for the International Convention (whereas our convention is in Tucson. I'm going with Michelle and Linda!) and she's taking a side trip to Istanbul AND Ephasus! she gets to visit the land where the entire book of Ephesians was written! Haha, my Bible-loving side is coming out now! I'm definitely happy for her, but y'know, I gotta deal with a lotta stuff while she's gone. Ah well. At least I can take comfort in knowing that I have an entire congregation willing to help me out. I'm just most comfortable with Bonni.

More updates about my boring life is soon to come! Thanks for reading, yo.

PS...I like turtles.
June 30th, 2009 at 11:09pm