Kinda hard to get over the ones...

You thought they meant it when they said they loved you. It hurt's to know that when you fall for someone, you're not too sure if they are falling for you too. And when you find out it was all a game you feel used, stupid, degraded, violated, only for the love of one person.

I wonder how it feels, to be the one with the controller, and you play them like it's a game, get to the boss and defeat him. I wonder how it feels to know that, when I'm done with the person, when I get what I wanted out of them, i can just throw them into a landfill and let their emotions take them on an roller coaster, and watch them rot. It's not something pleasant to think about, when you're the one who get's played or used. And it's not fair that we are unable to see the truth behind the eye's of the one's we fall for. It's amazing how these exact people, who break hearts like breaking pencils wake up every morning and look at themselves in the mirror, thinking what am I going to do today, like the night , or week or month before, you probably destroyed someone.

But the real games begin when they come back, and you're so filled with anger and revenge, you take control. And when they find out, they lost their chance and now you need to leave my life, THEY are the one's who feel used and degraded, but deep inside it still hurts, because you do realize at one period in your life, you were in love with them, sometimes you go back, but then realize the sudden mistake you made.

..and they lost your trust, and then eventually it's time to get over them..
June 30th, 2009 at 11:15pm