So I've started like five stories (almost none on mibba) and I'm just so lazy I don't want to finish them! I know exactly how they ought to end and I have the time its just that I draw a blank whenever I sit down to write them, or I'll suddenly be busy when I was just about to get to it. (lol this seems to be a problem cause the person I like has been calling me every day this week. Yet its not what you think cause they have a significant other... aka I'm "just a friend" but I'll take what I can get)

Anyway where was I? ....

, oh! right. I really just need to sit down and write them but, something inside me doesn't want them to end. They're sort of like my fake realities and I want to live in them as long as possible (that sounds dumb doesn't it?) but I mean, they gotta end sometime right?


yours truly
stubborn and stuck
July 1st, 2009 at 02:58am