Annoyed [rant]

First journal ever...
ok so.. yes this is a pointless rant because im seriously annoyed.
Hm my friends of school and I agreed that on the holiday we would go see a movie together and then go shopping afterwards (yes I know, lame, but i never get out so I was looking forward to it) and surprise surprise, with my luck the following event happened:
The other day all of my friends went and saw the movie we were gonna see + went shopping afterwards, and decided not to invite me and let me find out by people bosting about their days. So pretty much the people ive been friends with for two years seem to hate me, and I have no clue what i've done wrong to be unincluded.

Like I said, pointless and boring rant about how my life sucks and how my friends hate me.
July 1st, 2009 at 11:49am