What should I do now?

I absolutely love my boyfriend, but at the same time I also love my best friend. I told my best friend I love him and he just stopped talking... I know I should talk to both of them, but I can't hurt my boyfriend like that again, even if he hurt me before... But my friends never hurt me or stabbed me in the back as long as I've known him and I don't wanna lose him... But I think I scared him away. On top of all this my best female friend as having a baby and I'm jealous of that when I should really be happy for her and on top of all that, I have a marching band sectional in a week and I can't get that one line in the music!

Way too much to think about at once. Please feel free to comment with suggestions. They would be lovely. And please, if you don't have anything helpful or nice to say don't say anything at all.
July 1st, 2009 at 08:25pm