About me!! I'm not new!

My name is Melody
Some things about myself ::sorry:
Well I’m very boring person hahahaha
Friendly most of the times
I’m a very calm person only a couple of people can make me very hyper
I’m very random
I talk to myself (don’t deny that you don’t do it to) :p
I get annoyed easily
I’m always sick not like the contagious one I have a high immune system but like stomach pain sick since my body doesn’t provide what I need.
I chose wisely on who my friends are
I can tell what a person’s personality is like even when they try to hide it.
I have a slight OCD
I have really hearing Surprisingly since I listen to my music really loud. Unfortunately no mater how loud it is I can still hear people.
Some people call me Emo but I don’t see why
I notice really random thing and point them out to people
I don’t judge people I mostly ignore them
Don’t socialize much
Shy until you piss me off or I don’t have a reason to be shy around you
I only cry when I get frustrated but if I hurt myself I mostly won’t cry unless it like really bad.
I’m not afraid to die I just hope when I do it wont hurt. (No I wouldn’t committee suicide do have the guts to. Everyone asks me that question.)

What I ::088:
The color: purple, black, electric green, red, silver
Ice cream
Music: I See Stars, Framing Hanley,Kill Paradise, Three Days Grace, Breathe Carolina, Finch, Rediscover, A Rocket To The Moon, The Medic Droid, Blue October, Typecast, Crash Season Remedy, Metro Station, E For Explosion, Forever The Sickest Kids, All Time Low, Hellogoodbye, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Cartel, A Change Of Pace, The Skylight Drive, Neurosonic, Greeley Estate, A Static Lullaby, Cinematic Sunrise, Hidden In Plain View, Bess The Fall, Mozart season, LoveHateHero, Madina Lake, Marilyn Mason, Escape The Fate, Goot, Hawthorn Heights, A Day Away, May Day Parade, Cinder Road, Hollywood Undead, AND MANY MORE I HAVE TONS!!!
Like to listen to my music loud because I like the feeling when everything goes away Reading
Rain: makes me hyper
Thunder Storms: also makes me hyper
Huskies: I want one really bad!
The Forest
I like to look for random pictures and underground bands!!
The movies: The Hangman’s Curse, the Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands,Devil Beside You, Smiling Pasta, Pet Detective, and others. (these aren't in any order)
TV: House (I hide when they give shots or drill things in the head) Vampire Knight
What I hate:
Blood (but not that squeamish)
Meat but is force to eat it since it provides what I need
People who aren’t excepting of others
When I don’t get my way
When people touch my stuff I can only have certain people touch it or I get paranoidSharing my drink since I get paranoid when people drink from it.
The clicking of the clock
Static sounds
Rap and Hip Hop but very rarely will I like a song or two
School prefer to be at home schooled but can’t
Drama but some times I cause it oh well
Crying in public
When people follow me around like a lost puppy
Copy me in like what I do and stuff
When I tell people not to expect certain things from me and then they get made at me when they didn’t listen to me when I told them what they should and shouldn’t expect from me
July 1st, 2009 at 11:38pm