Fire is born!

Not a lot is know about the ancient Mayan warlord known as ' Fire is born." All of what is known comes from glyphs on monuments, much like the ones on Riviera Maya, which tell us that around January 8 378 A.D. in the city of Waka (now known as El Peru Guatemala) the locals stood dumb founded, as an army from a distant land made there way into the city. The army was unlike any they had seen before. Their feathers where blowing in the wind, they had large spears, and their shields where very shiny.

The man who led this powerful army was the most successful warlord in the Mayan Empire. His name was "Fire is born" Formally known as " smoking frog" He would soon make many changes, and replace kings in key city / states like Tikal, and it's neighbor 24 miles to the north Uaxactun. Fire is born would shape the Mayans into a mighty empire.

Almost over night glyphs would record his name on monuments, walls, caves, statues, almost everywhere. It is thought that was sent from Spearthrower Owl, the suspected ruler of Teotihucan. Fire is born was sent with a specific mission to the city / states of Tikal, and Uaxactun. His mission was to overthrow the kingdoms. After fierce battling he seized the city / states. He captured the kings, and offered them to the Gods as sacrifices. Then he tore down all of their statues. Once that was done fire is born turned the city / states over to new rulers. The new rulers weren't just random picks though, the new rulers where the sons of Spearthrower Owl.

It is still unsure if Teotihucan was motherland to Fire Is Born. Some experts say that Tikal was his home, and he fled in search of reinforcements, with plans to return victoriously. Wich he did.
Even after his death in the fifth century, the kings who ruled Tikal, and Uaxactun claimed their victories in his honor Some of the more recent names he was known by is Nace El Fuego (Fire is born) or Senor Del Oeste (Man from the west.) Experts continue to search for more answers, and clues as to who this man was. It seems as if he came from nowhere, and became a very prominent ruler, and warlord within the Mayan empire.

July 2nd, 2009 at 11:18am