Rant 1o : Watermelon can be scary. No-jk.

Serious, watermelon CAN be really fucked up when you drop it on the ground.

Like I did so the other day, by accident. It rolled off the table with I went to get a knife (( dumbass )) , and it made this sick crack noise and just broke all most in half. It wasn't cut perfectly but in all these fleshy lumpy pieces.

Now , ofcourse we still ate it. And it was delicious !

But as I was eating the last piece today, my dad came in from work and came home with some ribs and crap. I said no thank since i was enjoying my fruit and so he made his plat and crap and started eating next to me.

Now, I kept glancing at the ribs cause 1.) they smelt kinda bad 2.) they somewhat resembled my watermelon.

And that scared me a little :

What if watermelon is just flesh turn to fruit by the evil fruit witch who became bad in the first place cause she did a dare that caused her to shove a lemon up her ass ?

Then I could be eating someone's grandma or dog or dinosaur !

Mmmmmhmmm .
July 3rd, 2009 at 12:18am