Happy New Year? Nope. Didn`t think so.

You know, I had such high hopes for 2007. Don`t get me wrong; I still have some...But
just barely. Okay,`07 started out great: My boyfriend called me at exactly midnight and we told
each other "Happy new year" and that we loved each other and all that jazz and it was great.
Until the the morning rolled around. Alot of shit happened and I texted Tory and told him and
he called me to make sure I was okay and after that, Every hour,On the hour, He called me to
make sure I was okay. And it hit me that besides him, No one else really cares about me.

Today has been good so far but I`m hesitant to say what the rest of the year will hold because
I honestly don`t know and you know what? I`m not sure if I really want to.

It hurts because I was looking so forward to starting over ; Espicially with a lot of the shit
that happened last year but I realized that it may not happen. Maybe i`m not meant to have
a wonderful year like I wanted. needed.

Sometimes I just ...

Yeah. Sometimes.

January 2nd, 2007 at 06:30pm