Returning to Emo-land

People who know me... you guys know that I'm not normally like this, so this isn't an attention seeking journal entry. I just need to let it out...

That's right. I've returned to emo-land. For a short period of time, this afternoon. At around 1:25pm.

So me and my fiance were having another one of our argy bargies when it went a little offhand. He was leaving on holiday in around 10 minutes, and i was feeling pretty lost.

Then it came to the point when he brought up the subject of the time when i nearly drove him to suicide. Then...

Somehow, I managed to get ahold of my scissors and hacked at my palm right in front of him on cam.

Then his dad turns off the modem, says he on text.

it stings...
can't believe i've swooped down to cutting myself... again...
July 3rd, 2009 at 09:42am