Original Thoughts

Its a wonder with all the people in the world, and over so many years, centuries, there is still such thing as an original thought.

As if no one ever thought of a secret world full of wizards and witches, and schools where magic has been taught. Or vampires with super strength, speed and senses, who live among us, yet does not with to harm us. Or even that an everyday normal girl was actually a princess of a small and not largely publicized country but does not know it.

All these wonderful and fabulous stories, written by normal people with imaginations that I doubt are greater than ours, what makes them different from us except for possibly a greater vocabulary. Why can't WE be the next JK Rowling or Stephanie Meyer? Why can't we publish our original stories (which I'm guessing they are or else it'd be plagiarism) and become famous over a few weeks?

Think about that ....
July 3rd, 2009 at 04:40pm