Funny Phobias.

My mom and I have a thing for looking up funny phobias. Now I don't know about you, but I have a lot of random fears that my friends don't understand. Let's see, I fear:

Getting hit by a car.
Going down escaltors.
Getting hit by lightening.
Large bodies of people in a small space.
Somehow embarassing myself infront of said large bodies of people.
Large bodies of water.
Bugs, mainly cockroaches.
Murderers hunting me down, of course.
Needles oddly enough.
Funeral homes.

Those are all I can think of off the top of my head at the moment.

Speaking of my mom, she decided to braid my hair today. It looked terrible, but I decided to let her have her fun. As for her being scared of things, it's watching balloons flying up to the sky. It sounds weird I know, but she used to have nightmares about stuff like that happening when she was a kid, and she had a pretty rough childhood.

Did you know that Peladophobia is the fear of bald people? My dad is bald. -gigglesnort-

I find phobias truly fascinating. It's not so much what they're afraid of, but more or less the reaction they get when confronted with the fear, and how the fear developed. I once watched this show where a girl was scared of pickles. They brought out a tray full of pickles and she started running, screaming, and crying. The whole time I thought, "How could something so little as pickles make her so upset?"

At the same time, I was laughing at the poor girl. If you're reading this, sorry for laughing.

What are some of your fears?
July 4th, 2009 at 04:02am