
I love horses. More than anything. I don't meet many people that like them the way I do. I could sit(or stand whatever) and just stare at a horse all day and I would be happy. For some reason i'm just drawn to them. I love to ride. It calms me. The gentle walking or swift(and slightly bumpy) galloping gives me a thrill that nothing else can. I feel more complete when I'm with them. I don't own a horse, but that ha been my dream and will be that way until I finally succeed. Alot of people say they smell bad, that they stink ect. I think the smell is great! Its somthing that always just......I don't know...just lets me know that i'm were I belong, with horses.
I know not everyone likes horses. Wether they're afraid or just plain don't like them is up to the person. Some people just don't like getting dirty.
I enjoy it. Seeing my jeans get slightly dirtier as I groom them or my hand get stained with the dirt that remained on thier face just tells me that maybe I need to groom them I'll find a brush and do it again. I don't mind, its just dirt and it shows that I'm doing my job, Keeping them clean. If we just gave them a bath we cross our fingers and hope they don't roll.
Though I don't own a horse I have a friend that does and I groom them and we bathe them and ride them.
I will say again not for the last time that :
July 4th, 2009 at 11:59pm