Summerfest 2009

One of the best shows I've ever been to. I got an adorable new purse and an official Paramore tour t-shirt. I LOVE IT. I pretended to make out with the picture of Josh when I got it (seriously, ask Hannah or Brittany). We got to the place where I got the purse I wanted, I got the dude so he could cut it off of for me. But there was this other chick there that wanted it, so I let her have it. Yeah, I'm a fricken saint. But they had another one of it... so it was all good. Besides, there was a leopard print one I could've gotten, too.
I made these shirts for the concert that say, "paramore is a band" and they have pictures of the five band members on the back. I had one lady ask me where I got them. IT WAS GREAT! Then we were walking and there was this dude. "Paramore is a band! HELL YEAH!" So I high-fived him. He said that Hayley Williams was his icon or something like that. THAT DUDE WAS AWESOME. He started walking away and was like, "I'll see you later. Er, I probably won't see you later... so bye!" Damn. I wish I would've asked for his name. I don't like referring to someone as rad as that as "that dude." Ah well.
So the first band played. The Bedouin Soundclash, they were called. They were pretty sweet. I tested my camera skills on them.
Then Paramore. Oh, sweet, sweet PARAMORE!! They were awesome! They opened with Misery Business. I went fricken CRAZY! I love them so much! They played (not in this order) Misery Business, That's What You Get, Let the Flames Begin, When it Rains, crushcrushcrush, Pressure, Decoy, Ignorance, Where the Lines Overlap, and Decode. It was pretty fantastic! I bet Josh and Zac looked pretty yummy. (WHO SAID THAT?!) Oh, there was some chick yelling, "HAVE MY BABIES!" (That wasn't me... and I'm not doing the whole shifty eye thing right now either...) I did scream "I LOVE YOU!" a few times, though.
Brittany's mom recorded us singing along to "crushcrushcrush" on her cell phone. Hopefully no one else EVER sees that! Ahaha.
I had to use my inhaler as soon as they left the stage. I shouldn't have been jumping around so much, eh?
Then we waited for No Doubt, and when they started, you knew you were in for one amazing fucking show. They had this curtain up the whole time they were setting up the stage, and I couldn't figure it out. Why wouldn't they let us see what was going on? Then you found out as soon as they turned off the lights.
One by one, they walked out in front of this light so you could see their giant shadows on the curtain. Then they put the curtain up and BAM! There they were! They had these little movies playing in the background... I'm not sure I can describe it! Maybe I'll put a video up... maybe. There was this dude in the crowd with a poster and it said it was his birthday (oh, they were using the TV thingies at this point, by the way), so Gwen Stefani told him to come up on the stage...
I got a video of that. I also have a video of her doing push-ups before "Just a Girl."
They played a million songs. I'm not sure if I can name all of them!
One of my favorite parts of the show was when Gwen screamed something that I couldn't make out, but then I saw bright red hair and I froze up. Hayley Williams was on stage singing with Gwen! It was AMAZING! Two of the best people on earth singing together... I'm not even sure what they were singing. Brittany was yelling at me, "TAKE A GODDAMN PICTURE!" I couldn't, though! I was to shocked at what was going on. Finally, I got to taking a picture or two or three, maybe four. My favorite is the one with Adrian Young with his little tutu and Hayley right next to him. God, that was an amazing show!
Next stop: WARPED TOUR!!!
July 5th, 2009 at 12:15am