Would you look at that?

Her frowns grace the ends of her gorgeous lips and she can't helpt but fall for it all over again.

His eyes glow with pain as she looks away. He knows what he's done.

She picks up the peices of her broken heart, laying on the floor as she leaves him again, for the last time.

He picks up the last peice and runs after her, trying to give it back to her.

Brown locks fly gently as she rejects the large peice. "Just so you know you'll always have a place in my heart.


I don't know where that came from; I just started writing ;)

Did it sound pretty?

Today is the Fourth of July. Yay. My dog hates fireworks, and at this point, I'm glad for the fire work presentation at Ala Moana beach and Bellows. It's much quieter here.

I was never one for fireworks really, although they are beautiful. I love to watch it, but I don't like playing with it. I'm prone to accidents. Sometimes, I'm so clumsy, I trip over my own feet. Ask my friends :P

The summer heat slaughters me as I just coop myself up in my room, the fan, pointed directly to my laying position on my bed as I type this little entry. I haven't gone out all summer -- I've been deprived from seeing and hanging out with my friends since I either don't get invited, or I simply can't go. The most I went out was to sleep over my cousins house a couple of blocks away from home, and to a couple of graduation parties.

My summer was not entirely boring, but it wasn't a great summer either. I was supposed to go visit my sister in San Diego, but that was an epic failure. That and, maybe by the end of July she'll be visiting, along with my nephew that I've only seen through videos and pictures. He's adorable. I know I'll hate it when they leave.

My brother, mom, dad and I were standing outside one day, lounging around my moms truck. My dad and mom were talking about the new "no cellphone while driving" thing. My dad said he had something installed in his truck or whatever, and the lady program couldn't understand him because of his thick Filipino accent. He'll say "Dial Paulino" and the lady will usually retort with "Please say your command".

It was funny. My brother, although he doesn't have an accent at all, has similar problems like that too. He'll tell the program to call home, and they'll say "calling Tasty's".

I just don't bother using that program :P No sense since I can't drive anyway. Ha!

Me and my rambling. Just figured I'd write something in here, because I have nothing else to do.

July 5th, 2009 at 12:53am