We All Share A Sky....[[ My Thoughts About MCR]]

Okay, so, I was going into guitar class and heard a kid playing a MCR song. Weird enough, it was the same one I was learning. So, I waited for awhile until I got called on. Still, I heard the lyrics “Another line without a hook, I held you close as we both shook.”
I smiled and sat down, opening up my guitar case. My teacher played I’m Not Okay, over and over to catch exactly the right tune. I soon learned and memorized the beginning of the song.
After I left, I was waiting outside for my dad to come pick me up. I hummed “Thank you for the Venom” because it was the last song I heard. I looked up at the sky and caught a quick thought.
A lot of people don’t know them personally, and most haven’t even seen them in person. Most kids lay on their beds and Listen as Gerard takes every breath in the song just so they know he is a real human being. But think about this, you’re looking at the same sky as them, you walking on the same planet as them; you can sing the same lyrics as them. And now I knew how to play the same notes on a guitar as Ray and Frank. If you really think hard, you can understand that no matter what, you have a connection with these men. It’s a wonderful feeling and maybe if you took the time to think about it, you could feel the same way I do.
I listen to The Black Parade, Three Cheers, and Bullets. And as I listen to these heart bearing lyrics and hearing Gerard gracefully sing them onto a disc, I feel like I could either break down crying, break down laughing, or break down doing both. No other band has ever given me and much hope and inspiration as My Chemical Romance ever did. And for that I thank them, even though all we share is a sky.
May 17th, 2007 at 02:30am