These Two Wanna-be Kinder Goths Can Screw Off

Okay so, here is my rant on some of the people I know that think that they are goth. Well two people in particular, because it is all too obvious that they are trying waaayyyy to hard to be "goth". For one the true goth scene is dead mostly... Listening to new cradle of filth and worshipping the lead singer is not goth. And new cradle of filth is Shyte. As for part two, wearing heinously undersized clothes when you are of a large build is not sexy. Wear something flattering, rather than clothes that show every roll on your body and make your gigantic knockers almost fall out of your top... Three, when your hair is barely an inch tall you can't really pull off extensions, even if you wear a bandana on your head. Four, openly worshipping the devil and trying to curse people= super not cool. Five, Ouija boards are not to be messed with. You wonder why you have such bad luck but you are screwing with very evil sh*t there. And faking the readings is just lame, A crystal pendant can't usually read a board and also Ghost don't usually spell things wrong one minute and right the next. Six, Saying that you are ex street kids when you couch surfed the whole time is a complete piss off for me. On top of that port hardy does not count as a place where you could be a street kid because everyone there knows each other, its too small to really be on the streets. I have lived on the streets of vancouver THAT is scary. Seven, You aren't tough. Just because you are large and trying to seem crazy does not make you tough. I am a whopping 95 pounds and I would probably feed you your own eyeballs. Eight, Going to someones house to fight them is probably the stupidest thing you could do. Invading home turf to fight someone is almost a death sentince, at least when it comes to me. Nine, pretending that everything is okay because you want to boink one of my freinds....I can barely put words to how much that lowered my respect for you it went from nothing to I hope you go and play in traffic. F*CKIN HELL JUST GO AWAY Jeez I mean come on, have a lick of sense and go and institutionalize yourself, you obviously really are nuts to think the way you do.

Oh and the way you have your animals is an abomination, flea and tick infested. You shave their fur off. God help you the day the zombies come and I have free reign to kill you...Animal neglect is horrible and you should be killed...

Other gothish people take no offense...This is directed towards people I know from my home town...
July 6th, 2009 at 08:56pm