I Lost My Glasses! I'm Blind Without Them! T.T

AHH! I woke up this morning (11 AM-ish) and ate a late lunch, without looking for my glasses. I didn't think much of it because I was sure they would just be "somewhere" again, and I would find them later. Boy, was I WRONG! D=

I'm near-sighted, which means what it says. I'M NEAR-SIGHTED.

{ And in case you're wondering, I'm wearing my OLD glasses, that are mucho, mucho weak. OKAY, not that weak, but they're not that affective! And I'm listening to Just Dance by Lady Gaga. :) And I'm thinking about making a song-fic. And I think my eyesight's going to get worse if I don't find my real glasses that I can see better through! }

I've searched the place I usual hang them before I go to bed and the table next to me and the table where this laptop is and under my bed and i'm practically rambling now. =,=

My Mom reckons that it's under my bed, but my 61 year old grandma and I have searched there with a weak flashlight and I don't think a sixth time will help!

My aunt reckons (no, i don't use this word a lot) that I might be lying down on it or it's just somewhere scattered around with the many pillows I have. >.< But NO - It's not there, either! And I repeat - I don't think a tenth time will help!

So yeah...If anyone has any suggestions then feel free to. IN the meanwhile, I'll be searching for my much-needed spectacles and try to update my story(ies). D=

Wish me luck. =.=;

blue.roses x3
July 7th, 2009 at 01:10am