The sky is yellow and the grass next door is red. [Seriously]

Guess what kids, I skipped my first college class today.
So because I didn't get a single wink of sleep last night because I was trying to finish a paper due today for English [which I still didn't finish], I was insanely sleepy today. I was actually falling asleep on a bench on campus before English class. I decided that since I didn't have my paper done anyway I might as well just skip.
It's probably not something I'll do again unless something comes up.

So I did just that and went to Sonic with my friend and had myself some tater tots.

After that I came home and fell asleep at 1 and didn't wake up until after 6:30.

When I woke up, the sky was yellow. Seriously.
It was creeping me out.
I'm no meteorologist, so I don't really know what was up with that....
But to make my evening weirder than a yellow sky, I looked into the yard of the deserted house next door and what do I find? Not just any grass, red grass. -__-

Red grass and yellow skies. I love Texas.

To be honest, I love being able to say I'm from Texas.

July 7th, 2009 at 04:29am