Meatloaf Houdini

It is currently 5:42 am.

The sun is coming up, the temperature is slowly rising, and I'm STILL AWAKE.

Jesus Christ.

Now you, my dear reader, may be wondering; Why in the name of moon pies would you still be concsious at 5:42 am?

I'll tell you.

The reason I am still awake (for the most part) and not in a deep, hard sleep in my snuggly, comfy bed is a male robo dwarf hamster by the Name of Meatloaf Houdini Raine Lund.

He has been running, in his ever-increasingly squeaky wheel, since 3:38.


When I saw him at the petsmart, I was like, "Oh my god he's adorable!" and obnoxious, high-pitched "awwws" ensued.


I saved up, bought him a ball, all kinds of yogurt-y treats, TROPICAL CARNIVAL FIESTA hamster food, and the mother of all cages: The Super Pet Critter Trail X.

It was after these purchases were made that it struck me....

Hamsters are nocturnal.

As a result of my absent mindedness, I am now up, writing a stupid blog (not well btw), at 5:46 in the goddamn morning.


P.S. The worst part is, he runs for 2 whole hours everyday, AND HE'S STILL FAT!

I'm awake for nothing!!!!!
July 7th, 2009 at 02:53pm