MJ's memorial service

Today was Michael Jackson's Memorial Service/funeral. It was pretty powerful and quite sad. One thing about his death still continues to bother me though. People are constantly saying: well people die everyday, who cares? let's just get over it. That makes me sort of angry. I am a fan of MJ's music but I'm not favoring him or anything with my point. Seriously though I was on facebook today and someone posted on their little status thing: "If I hear one more thing about Michael Jackson and his death I'm going to go crazy. He's dead and everyone should get over it and stop crying over him." That made me kind of pissed. I mean he died and that was totally a disrespectful thing to say! When there is a death of anyone- whether it be a family member or the "King of Pop" saying something like what I saw on that facebook page was unbelievable and really rude. There are people out there that were his immediate family and they are greiving because they lost their son, their brother, or their father that day. The point I'm really trying to make here is that a death is a death. Whether it is of a celebrity, a criminal, or a loved family member. The point is a death should be regarded in a respectful matter no matter who it is because that person who has passed on has a family and has people that love him. He is gone from the earth now so to disrespect someone after that is poor behavior in my opinion. You did not have to love or be a fan or Michael jackson or even like him one bit, but give him and his family respect on this day because there are people out there that are hurting because of his passing on. Be respectful to those people. If you're really sick of the coverage, then please just turn off the TV for the day, but please don't bash his image or make fun of him or anyone for that matter after they have passedon because it doesn't show good chracter on your part and it's not a good quality to have.
July 8th, 2009 at 04:43am